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PWW presentation at the 9th Asian Wetland Symposium was awarded!(2021.07.12

The 9th Asian Wetland Symposium (http://asianwetlandsymposium.org/) was held from July 5-7, 2021 via Zoom. James McGill, Senior Consultant, made an oral presentation on INTEM’s People, Wetlands, Wildlife (PWW) (https://pwwj.org/) activity at Session 4 (Wise use of Wetlands) on Day 3 (July 7, 2021) of the symposium. The presentation was entitled Promotion of Wise Use of Japanese Ramsar Sites by Supporting Wildlife Tourism People, Wetlands Wildlife (PWW) Wildlife Tourism Promotion Project. Session 4 attendees included wetlands specialists from around the world, as well as members of the Japanese government.

The presentation was well-received and generated a lively discussion on the role of wetlands in ecotourism and the importance of community involvement. Other important discussion themes were how to obtain project financial sustainability and the best methods to effectively expand the recognition of the PWW activity. The presentation was chosen as one of the Outstanding Oral Presentations Awardees.

AWS 2021 was a valuable opportunity to popularize the PWW activity and exchange ideas with leaders in the field of wetlands conservation and wise use.

If you have any inquiries regarding the PWW activity, please contact James McGill at: james@intemjapan.co.jp

James McGill