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CSR Activity

CSR Activity

INTEM Consulting Inc., which is conducting global operations, is conducting various CSR activities, considering that we have a mission to use the technological capability it has cultivated and the knowledge it has gleaned from its various activities to contribute to global society. We are also aggressively working to promote domestic understanding of international cooperation activities through publishing research results, lectures and trainings, etc.

People, Wetlands, Wildlife


INTEM Consulting Inc. has undertaken the ” FY 2019/2020, National Parks Resource Management Project Subsidy (Wildlife Tourism Promotion Project)” and has established the People, Wetlands, Wildlife (PWW)website. PWW publishes information in English on the domestic Ramsar Convention wetlands and their surrounding natural environments, communities and cultures. The purpose of the website is to introduce the attractiveness of the Ramsar site to potential foreign tourists (‘Inbound tourists’) around the world.
INTEM Consulting Inc. consultant James McGill and Ramsar Center Japan (NGO) Fellow Reiko Nakamura (Former Secretary-General) serve as guides to various Ramsar Convention registered wetlands around Japan. PWW uses articles, blogs, photos and videos to introduce the attractiveness of the wetlands and provide travel information on the surrounding areas and communities. Although up until now only a limited number of websites have been introduced, during 2020 fiscal year it is planned to increase the total number of sites to 13. We are advancing development of the website towards the goal of introducing all 52 registered Ramsar sites.
This project is being conducted with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment, Meeting of Japanese Municipalities Involved with Wetlands Designated under the Ramsar Convention, Ramsar Center Japan and Wetlands International Japan.
Focusing on Japanese websites, INTEM Consulting Inc. is exploring business expansion into the natural environmental area and further social contribution activities.

People, Wetlands, Wildlife website: https://pwwj.org

As of September 2024, the management and operation of this website has been transferred to the Ramsar Center Japan. INTEM will continue to support the operation of this website.

Cooperation with NGOs

Ramsar Center Japan

INTEM Consulting Inc. is supporting the Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ), an international NGO that supports Ramsar Convention CEPA1(*1) activity and the efforts of local environmental NGOs in developing countries. INTEM Consulting Inc. supports RCJ through donations and dispatch of human resources. Up until now, as CSR activity, we have cooperated by dispatching experts to projects including the: “Bangladesh Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project”, “Myanmar International Wetlands Workshop”, “Creation of sustainable mangrove community forest with grassroots participation in the Uto Village in Myanmar”, and presented research at the Asian Wetland Symposium held in Cambodia. We are receiving expert assistance from RCJ in the content creation of The PWW website which INTEM Consulting Inc. is now developing.
Numerous INTEM Consulting Inc. employees participate as members of RCJ, and volunteer for domestic environmental education events and events to promote RCJ’s activities.
(*1) Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness
Awareness Ramsar Center Japan website: http://rcj.o.oo7.jp/


A list of the published books and reports by INTEM Consulting Inc. employees
2024 +
2023 +
2022 +
up until 2021+


To the extent their schedules allow, INTEM Consulting Inc. employees aggressively conduct speeches and lectures regarding international cooperation activities or their fields of specialty. Below is a list of CSR activities undertaken by employees in response to requests that have been performed either for free or for a minimal fee. Regarding the trainings that are conducted as part of the employees’ regular duties, please refer to the Business Guidance section of the website.
2024 +
2023 +
2022 +
up until 2021+

Global Education/Human Resource Cultivation

In order to promote mutual understanding with various countries, to introduce international cooperation activity, and to widen the perspectives of younger generations, through an introduction of our international cooperation activity, we offer opportunities for students to learn about international issues.
Up until now, in school excursion programs, for visiting junior high and high school students, and in lectures for university students, we have introduced examples of typical onsite development assistance work, our activities in client countries and information on working in different cultures.

Record of School Excursion Programs

Date Program School
May 24th, 2023 What is the job of “Consultant” ? Motosu City Motosu Junior High School
March 8th, 2023 What is the job of “Consultant” ? Okayama Prefectural Okayama Daianji Secondary School
December 4th, 2019 Grasp the importance of international understanding Niigata Kido Junior High School
October 8th, 2019 “What work does a consultant do? A professional who tackles social development issues and work toward the realization of SDGs!” Niigata Chuo High School
August 26th, 2014 International cooperation and consultant Niigata prefectural Tsunan Secondary School

In addition, we accept students from developing countries who are studying abroad in Japanese university graduate programs as interns and assist in the cultivation of human resources for the industrial development of developing countries. Up until now, regarding students from Benin and the Republic of Uganda who came to Japan through the “ABE Initiative (African Business Education Initiative) for Youth”, we have introduced them to companies for internships after completion of the training program. In cooperation with the high schools offering the training, we provided practical guidance in the vocational training/job hunting area.